Lara, our campus cycling officer, has been a busy bee promoting more sustainable travel around St Andrews! This post gives a bit of background to her role!

In a collaborative project between Transition University of St Andrews and Cycling Scotland, her role is to support the development of cycling across the University of St Andrews. Her three main objectives for the next year are to:

1. Develop a Cycling Strategy for St Andrews, leading to St Andrews’ application to attain ‘Cycle Friendly Campus’ status with Cycling Scotland.

2. Lead on the administration, promotion and organisation of our Bike Pool training program that looks to teach cycling skills to students, staff and local residents; increasing confidence on the road and safe cycling practices.

3. Improve cycling infrastructure in St Andrews, including, but not restricted to: increased bicycle parking and storage, traffic calming measures, signage, and the development of a cycle route from St Andrews to Crail.

She is also working on a Smarter Choices project to develop a sustainable travel brand and website for St Andrews. If you have any ideas, suggestions and/or queries about how sustainable transport might be improved and/or publicised better in the St Andrews area, please do not hesitate to contact her (!


Here are photos of a few of the events she has organised so far; stay up to date with all these events and get involved by joining the Sustainable Tranport facebook:

Four new Cycling Scotland accredited Cycle Trainers in St Andrews! Hurrah!
Trialling cargo e-bikes with Electric Bikes Scotland. We will hopefully be ordering some of these beautiful machines for the University of St Andrews Estates Department!
Volunteers helping to refurbish bikes to be put into the St Andrews Bike Pool hire scheme.
St Andrews Green Week 2016: Enjoying some Fairtrade banana smoothies at the Sustainable Transport Fair made from a bike-powered blender!
Learning how to maintain bikes; turning ‘rusty’ into ‘shiny’!
The St Andrews ‘Cycling Ideas Box’ – a place to put all of your cycling hopes and dreams.
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Cycletricity: Sports teams competing to see who can produce the most electricity on bikes! Above: representatives from the St Andrews Canoe Club, Below: representatives from the Men’s Rugby Club.